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Can Dogs Eat Guava?

Can Dogs Eat Guava? (Explained)

Dogs can eat many different types of fruits. In fact, they might even find certain varieties very enjoyable. However, not all fruits are beneficial, and some might even be dangerous for dogs to consume. But what about guava? Can dogs eat guava?

This article will explore how often dogs can eat guava, the potential hazards to look out for, and a guava dog-friendly recipe for you to try.

Can Dogs Eat Guava?

Yes, dogs can eat guava. However, like most fruits, dogs should have them infrequently and in small portions. The seeds and the rind could also be difficult for dogs to digest. So, you should always peel guava and remove the seed-laden core before giving some to your dog.

Potential Hazards of Giving Guava to Dogs

Although guava isn’t toxic to dogs, there are some concerns about feeding it to your own pup.

If your dog has some health issues, it would be best to consult your vet before giving them any food that’s not part of their regular diet.

Additionally, here are some things to consider:

Digestive Distress

The flesh of guava is high in fiber. Although this could be beneficial to your dog’s gut health, too much could also cause severe gastrointestinal distress that leads to vomiting, diarrhea, and bloat.

The complex makeup of the seeds and rind make them especially difficult to process, so it’s best to remove them before giving any of the fruit to your dog.

High Sugar

According to the USDA, 100g of common guava contains 8.92g of sugar. Although this is typical of fruits, it is not something dogs should have plenty of.

Some fructose can be beneficial to pets but overconsumption could eventually lead to diabetes. If your dog is already diabetic, you should probably avoid all fruits entirely or consult with your veterinarian to ask about your best options.

Choking Hazard

Although dogs like to chew on things, they don’t typically chew their food for easier digestion. So, when you give guava pieces to your dog, make sure to cut them up in sizes that are proportional to the size of your dog.

Pieces that are too large for them to swallow could cause choking and even intestinal blockages.

Allergic Reactions

Guava allergies are not common in dogs. However, it does exist and is something you should be concerned about, especially if your dog suffers from other skin sensitivities.

To ensure the safety of your dog, start by giving them a small portion and observing them for signs of allergies before feeding them pieces of guava in larger quantities.

Benefits To Feeding Your Dog Guava

Although dogs can’t have enough guava to benefit significantly from its nutritional content as humans can, this fruit can be a better alternative to store-bought treats in many ways.

Guava in the fresh form will not have the sodium, preservatives, or dodgy ingredients some commercial dog products might have. Additionally, this fruit is rich in antioxidants that boost the immune system and improve longevity.

Ripe guava is also rich in several essential minerals, including potassium and manganese. It is also filled with fiber, which is critical to optimal digestion and gut health.

Best Ways To Feed Guava To A Dog

Guava can be safe for dogs to eat for as long as it’s in small portions.

Unfortunately, there’s no universal formula for how much guava your dog can eat in a single serving and how often they can have it. It will all depend on the size of your dog and their specific health condition.

In addition to managing portions, it’s critical to peel the skin and avoid the seed-laden core. While no studies have shown that these parts are toxic to dogs, they are much harder to digest and so could cause gastrointestinal issues when consumed.

Guava Dog Treat Recipie

If you want to give your dog guava because you have plenty of it, you might be better off trying to make guava-topped dog treats. This lets you make good use of your excessive guava supply.

Plus, it could be an extra special treat your pup can thoroughly enjoy on occasion.

Here’s an excellent recipe to try:

Guava-Topped Dog Energy Bars Recipe

For this recipe, you’ll need to make the topping and crust separately. Don’t worry, though. It doesn’t get too complicated and the result is definitely worth the trouble.



  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/2 cup Coconut Oil
  • 2 cups Rolled Oats
  • 1 cup All-purpose Flour
  • 3/4 tsp. Baking Soda
  • 1 tsp. Cinnamon Powder


  • Combine eggs and oil in a bowl and beat until light.
  • In another bowl, combine oats, flour, baking soda, and cinnamon powder.
  • Stir dry ingredients until thoroughly combined.
  • Pour wet ingredients over dry ingredients and stir until the mixture is homogenous.
  • Spread the mixture onto a greased brownie pan.
  • Bake at 350°F for 20 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat but keep the crust in the oven to dry until it reaches room temperature.
  • Remove the crust from the brownie pan and place on a tray or any even surface that will facilitate slicing later on.



  • 6 pcs. Ripe Guava, peeled & sliced
  • 2 pcs. Pear, cored, peeled & sliced
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon


  • Place all fruit pieces in a saucepan.
  • Pour in just enough water to cover the fruits.
  • Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, or just until soft.
  • Pour the contents of the saucepan over a strainer to discard the water.
  • Let the fruit pieces cool before pressing them through the sieve to remove the seeds.
  • Keep the fruit pulp in the saucepan and add in the lemon juice.
  • Use low-medium heat to bring this mixture to a boil.
  • Stir frequently and remove from heat once it reaches a jam-like consistency.
  • Let the pulp cool before spreading it over the crust.

Bringing it together

  • Spread the cooled fruit pulp over the crust.
  • Slice into treat-sized pieces.
  • Store in the refrigerator using an airtight container.

Final Thoughts

Although guavas aren’t toxic to dogs, they could be quite tricky to feed as treats. They contain so many seeds that might be too hard on your digestive system and they’re also high in fructose.

Nevertheless, you don’t need to worry if your pup accidentally eats a piece or two. You can even turn these fruits into special dog treats that will provide all the benefits without the potential risks.

If you’re really keen on giving your dogs some fruit, you might also want to try honeydewpassion fruit, or even dried apricots.

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