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Can Dogs Eat Passion Fruit?

Can Dogs Eat Passion Fruit?

Passion fruit is an exotic fruit that offers plenty of health benefits. Its edible seeds combined with its deliciously sweet and tarty flesh make for a unique yet healthy human treat. But can dogs eat passion fruit?

This article will dive into the risks and benefits of feeding passion fruit to your dog as well as provide a tasty dog-friendly passion fruit recipe.

Can Dogs Eat Passion Fruit?

Yes, dogs can eat passion fruit. However, eating it unripe or having too many of the seeds can be harmful.

If you want to give your dog some passion fruit, try to give only the juice and pulp of ripe fruit. If your pup accidentally gets to some passion fruit, keep an eye on them and head to your vet if you observe any unwanted symptoms.

What Is Passion Fruit?

Passion fruit is a tropical fruit that comes in several varieties. The most common one has a thick, purple-colored outer rind. Inside the fruit are small seeds enrobed in sacs of flesh.

It is commonly eaten—seeds and all—when it is fully ripe as the pulp gives off a sweet yet tangy flavor.

Benefits Of Giving Your Dog Passion Fruit

Current research about the benefits of passion fruit is centered around humans. In general, it is recognized for its incredible health benefits, especially its high antioxidant content. It is rich in vitamins A and C, which is critical for a healthy immune system.

Like humans, dogs benefit from food that’s rich in vitamins A and C. Passion fruit is also a good source of potassium and magnesium—minerals that are critical to nerve and organ function.

Potential Hazards of Giving Passion Fruit to Dogs

Passion fruit contains cyanogenic glycosides, which release cyanide when it comes in contact with saliva or digestive enzymes. This is mostly found in the rind and seeds. It takes a large dose to affect most dogs, but it’s best to err on the side of caution and avoid giving these parts to your dog entirely.

That said, if your dog happens to eat the rind or seeds of passion fruit, there’s typically no need to panic. Just watch out for dog poisoning symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and drooling. If you notice any worrisome signs, head to your vet right away.

The juice and pulp of passion fruit are safe for dogs and can even provide several health benefits. Like most other fruits, however, passion fruit is high in sugar. Make sure you give this to your dog in small serving sizes.

How To Feed Passion Fruit To Dogs

To safely give your dog passion fruit, it’s best to give them only the pulp. To separate that from the potentially toxic seeds, scoop out the contents of each fruit into a sieve placed on top of a bowl.

Use a spoon or spatula to press the contents against the sieve until only the seeds remain. The juice and flesh will drip to the bowl underneath.

You can also pour the passion fruit pulp into an ice tray and give it to your dog as frozen treats. You can also give it to them fresh, but make sure to do so in small quantities to limit their sugar intake.

Passion Fruit Alternatives for Dogs

If you’re keen on giving your dog passion fruit, consider making fruit leather with its flesh.  Here is a good passion fruit recipe you can make for your dog occasionally:

Passion Fruit Leather Recipe for Dogs

Fruit leathers can be high value treats for dogs as long as it is given infrequently and in small portions. However, human fruit leathers you can buy from the store contain xylitol (which is toxic to dogs) or are filled with refined sugars.

Using this recipe, you can make a dog-friendly passion fruit roll-up that even you can enjoy.


  • 2 cups Passion Fruit pulp


  • Pour your pulp into a blender and process until completely smooth.
  • Pour your passion fruit pulp onto your dehydrator’s plastic trays. (If you don’t have a dehydrator, see note below.)
  • Assemble the filled trays onto your dehydrator and set the machine on high.
  • Rotate the trays as you see fit as you allow the pulp to dehydrate for a total of 8 hours.
  • You’ll know it’s done when the surface is no longer sticky.
  • Allow the fruit leathers to cool before peeling each layer off and cutting them into treat-sized pieces.
  • Store in an airtight container and keep it at room temperature.

Note: If you don’t have a dehydrator, you can make this recipe in an oven. Pour the pulp onto a parchment or silicone-lined baking sheet. Place it in the oven at 170°F for approximately 8 hours. You’ll know it’s done when the surface is smooth and no longer sticky.

Final Thoughts

Although passion fruit does offer some health benefits for dogs, having to strain out seeds for your dog’s safety can get tedious. Although the juice and pulp are safe, other fruits like oranges, watermelon, blueberries, and strawberries might be more convenient options.

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