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How much do German Shepherd puppies cost

How Much Do German Shepherd Puppies Cost?

You’re thinking about getting a German Shepherd, Congratulations!!!!  As you probably already know, German Shepherds are wonderful dogs and make the perfect family companion.  You may also be wondering… how much do German shepherd puppies cost?

This article will answer that question, as well as give you an idea of how much to expect to spend during the first year of ownership for your new GSD puppy as well as later in life.

How much do German Shepherds cost to acquire?

how much do german shepherds cost

If you adopt from your local shelter or animal rescue the cost can range from $100 – $300.  If you purchase your new GSD from a reputable breeder, your pup could cost anywhere from $900 – $2,500. 

Overall, it really depends on where you purchase your new German Shepherd as well as the dog’s pedigree.

If you are looking for information on how to select your new German Shepherd puppy click here.

Some people may want to purchase a fully trained adult German Shepherd.  Those can cost upwards of $30,000 depending on what the dog is trained to do. 

How much do German Shepherd puppies cost the first year?

Obviously, there is a pretty wide range of costs across the United States, so naturally, these costs will vary as well. 

I wanted to give you a snapshot of my costs of ownership for the first year.   I also contacted other GSD owners I know to get a better idea of how much they pay for these items to be able to provide both lower and higher ranges of costs.

My First Year ExpensesLow EstimateHigh Estimate
Puppy Acquisition Cost1,2001002,500
Food Cost 540360900
Collar, Leash & Dog Tag614080
Food and Water Dish401499
Dog Toys10440266
Crate (I purchased multiple crates)15750199
Puppy obedience class170120250
Additional training (schtuzhund for me)6002001,500
First Puppy Vet Appointment158100220
First dosage Flea Medicine221629
Second Puppy Vet Appointment 345255480
Flea Medicine (6 months)7856120
Heartworm (6 months)11350123
Oral Hygiene Solution11.95521
Spay 676400740

Please take these figures ONLY as an example – your costs can certainly vary.  However, I do think this chart gives you a good idea of the majority of the expenses you will incur for your new pup and you can go out and get local price quotes in your area for the most accurate estimate for you.

We live in an expensive metropolitan area so costs are unfortunately on the high end. 

Also, keep in mind, I spent a significant amount of money on training for Allie, that expense can be excluded if you don’t plan on doing high-level training.

How much do German Shepherds cost…. after the first year?

As you will see, my expenses dropped by about 50% during my second year of German Shepherd ownership.  Again, with training making my ownership costs higher.

My Second Year Expenses
Second Year Vet Appointment266
Schutzhund Training 900
Flea Medicine156
Heartworm Medicine226

I also switched food brands during the second year as well as changed from puppy food to adult dog food, which accounts for the higher food cost. 

Taking out the extensive training costs – I would estimate that the average person would spend about $1,300 – $1,500 a year on their German Shepherd after the first year.

Final Thoughts

I hope this article helped to give new potential German Shepherd owners an idea of the costs to better prepare for their new pup’s arrival. 

Although owning any dog is an extra financial cost those costs can range significantly because of geographic location and personal preference.   For example, some owners buy every toy on the market for their dog while others do not. 

How much did you spend on your German Shepherd puppy the first year?  Let me know in the comments.

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